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The Merchant of Venice is a masterpiece of playwright Shakespeare. The story unfolds centering on Antonio, the Merchant of Venice. Antonio signs a life-threatening contract at the request of his friend Bassanio. The spendthrift Bassanio needed money to propose to the rich girl named Posha.
Antonio also had no money so that he borrowed the money from Shylock, a Jewish loan shark. Shylock threatens to shed a pound of flesh if Antonio doesn't pay the money back on time. He is in danger for failing to pay back the money. However, he escapes the crisis thanks to Porsha, who enters the court wearing male clothes.
The Merchant of Venice is a masterpiece of playwright Shakespeare. The story unfolds centering on Antonio, the Merchant of Venice. Antonio signs a life-threatening contract at the request of his friend Bassanio. The spendthrift Bassanio needed money to propose to the rich girl named Posha.
Antonio also had no money so that he borrowed the money from Shylock, a Jewish loan shark. Shylock threatens to shed a pound of flesh if Antonio doesn't pay the money back on time. He is in danger for failing to pay back the money. However, he escapes the crisis thanks to Porsha, who enters the court wearing male clothes.